Always think of being on a trampoline

If with 200 subscribers I make €300 a month, with 400 subscribers I will make 600 a month.
But I confess to you. Things are not quite like that.

You will soon realize that the first successes and the first goals achieved will come almost randomly , without a precise logic. Maybe the month you work day and night you’ll get even less results than the month you left your blog in a drawer.

Quite often a reversal will also occur. Everything seems to collapse : traffic, subscribers, earnings. You will have reached what Malcolm Gladwell calls a tipping point .

And then you’ll start thinking

But is it really worth dedicating so much time and effort to a project that seems to involve rather than grow? “.

And that’s when most people quit .

But if instead you keep your nerve and Sweden Phone Number List don’t give up, something magical will happen: the success curve will take a huge leap upwards.

It happened to Apple.
It happened to Evernote.
It happened to Airbnb.
It happened to Netflix.

phone number list

.The lower you go, the more you will have the drive to jump higher. Just don’t lose your balance

Final thoughts

At this point, there are two options

you scared yourself to death because you thought a blogger’s job was just to write and decided the blogger’s life wasn’t for you

you’re shaking in your seat because all this Sms List gives you a crazy boost and you can’t wait to start your journey to become a professional blogger.
If you are part of this second group, then I’m sure that in my blog. You will find lots of resources, ideas and hints to embark on this fantastic journey. And if you want to accelerate your journey, then I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to join Blog Academy .

I hope that blogging can give you a lot of satisfaction, just like it has given me.

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