How much does it cost to change tyres

After years in the affiliate world, I realized that it wasn’t a single mistake, but a series of small mistakes that weren’t allowing me to achieve the desired results.So I want to leave you now some valuable tips that will help you earn more and more with Amazon affiliations.Never promote products that you haven’t personally tested and that you don’t really love. This is because if your reader feels “screwed” he will never come back to your blog. And your goal should never be the immediate gain but the long-term one

• Do not choose products based on the commission but opt ​​for the most relevant products for your audience. This way you will be able to offer a better experience and will also increase the number of sales

• To sponsor Amazon products, don’t limit yourself to a single product review but try to intercept a broader search intent.

An example for all. If you want to sponsor tyres, don’t just review Bridgestone or Pirelli tyres, write articles like:

What are the best snow tyres

How to change a tyre
… and so on.
• Optimize your articles from an SEO perspective so that they rank well on Google and get more traffic

• Don’t stop at sponsoring Ivory Coast Phone Number List individual products. With Amazon Associates you can get an affiliate link for all pages . Also push category pages, category bestsellers, services. Check out these examples:

Books category
Subcategory Literature and Fiction
Books with discounts starting from -55%
Amazon Basics
Electronics bestseller

phone number list
Amazon news
• Also use plugins that allow you to create product sheets in WordPress. There used to be an Amazon own plugin but it has been retired and so you have to use third party plugins.

Aawp single product box

My favorite is AAWP , which I use on many of my blogs and with which you can create boxes like this one below, comparison tables and widgets

Final thoughts
Making money with Amazon is extremely simple.

As we have seen, everything is based on 5 simple steps:

Create an affiliate account
Finding the best products for our audience
Write guides on our blog by inserting our affiliate link
Promote blog articles
Monitor and optimize results.
Well, that’s really all now. I wish SMS List you to develop a successful blog and that the Amazon affiliate program really gives you a lot of satisfaction, financial and otherwise. If you want to create a blog or a website or you want to renew the layout of your site, then you absolutely must try Elementor , an indispensable page builder if you want to have a high-performance and personalized website but don’t want to spend thousands of euros on a developer.


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