Discover The Great Challenges Of The Hotel

The Will Shape The Future Of The Sector In The Com Years.Sector 20222025 And How To Face Them In Our Exclusive Ebook Hotel Sector 20222025 Great Challenges And How To Overcome Them . In This Book You Will Find  Of The Major Problems Fac The Hotel Industry At This Time And In The Com Years The Latest Data Relat To The Activity Of The Sector And The Steps To Follow To Face And Overcome These Obstacles.

In Data The State Of The Hotel

Sector In 2022 Accord To A Recent Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List Str Investigation That Compares The Figures For The Week From January 23 To 29 2022 With Those Of The Same Week In 2019 In 2022 The Average Daily Rate For Us Hotels Is Only 2 Lower Than The Same Week In 2019. Occupancy Reaches Almost 50 Only 12.2 Less Than The Same Week In 2019. Revpar Has Decreas By 13.9 Compar To 2019. In Addition The Report Points Out That Dur The Week Of January 30 To February 5 2022 Hotel Occupancy In The Unit States Reach 50.4 For The First Time This Year Although It Is Still 15.8 Lower Than The Occupation Of 2019. The Recovery Of The Sector Is Evident. However The Figures Are Still Not What.

They Were Before The Pandemic

In Fact Another Report From The American Hotel Lodg Association Pricts That It Will Take At Least Until 2025 For The American Hotel Industry To Recover To Prepandemic Levels . Far From Draw A Catastrophic Scenario Israel Phone Number The Complexity Of The Situation Has Had Its Good Side And That Is That It Has Forc Hotel Companies To Promote Changes That In Addition To Be Necessary Are Establish As Opportunities. The Pandemic Has Not Only Transform Business Activity It Has Also Caus Changes In People And The Market And Companies In The Sector Must Adapt.

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