A good digital marketing strategy consists of 4 main phases

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Well, we have seen which are the best digital marketing strategies that you can apply to your business to make it grow.Only one last fundamental point is missing: how do you create an effective digital marketing strategy?

The preliminary analysis

Set goals
Define the channels to use and the strategy to use
Analyze the results and optimize.
Let’s look at these 4 points more closely.

The preliminary analysis
The first thing to do is a preliminary analysis of your business, your target and your competitors .

Who are your customers? How to find them? What can you offer them? How is the competition doing? Who are the most relevant influencers in your niche?

There are two techniques that can prove useful in this first phase: the SWOT analysis and the definition of your buyer persona.

Through the SWOT analysis or SWOT matrix

strengths ( Strengths )
Weaknesses _ _ _
opportunity ( Opportunities )
threats ( Threats ) .
SWOT analysis
Once you have done this first Sri Lanka Phone Number List analysis, you can focus on building your buyer persona , i.e. the representation of your ideal customer.

Creating one (or more!) buyer personas will help you personalize and optimize your content and communication to the maximum, since you will always know who you are addressing.

There are numerous templates for creating a buyer persona . You don’t need who knows what tools to do it, even just a sheet and a pen

phone number list

Here’s an example of a structure you can create:

buyer person
Set goals
Once you’ve finished the first phase of analysis, it’s time to start working more hands-on on our strategy. And what is the first step to take?

Obviously choosing your own goals . Because SMS List if we don’t know which direction we’re going, how do we choose the right path?

The fundamental thing when choosing the objectives to be achieved is to always develop SMART objectives, namely:

Specific – specific
Measurable – measurable
A chievable – achievable
R elevant – relevant
T ime-bound – limited in time .
Here are some examples of a non-SMART goal and how to turn it into a SMART goal:

Bring the blog to invoice the first 1,000 euros within 5 weeks.


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