Because in Indonesia there are many

 them to expert level. On the other hand, if abroad, programmers only focus on one area, but until they are very proficient (Dwi). By focusing on learning in the 1 area above, students can become more confident in the skills they have. Closing the conversation that afternoon, Mr. Dwi revealed one of the heartwarming stories, throughout his mandate as a teacher. At that time he taught a student whose parents had strongly opposed going to RPL school. But Dwi sees high potential. So he entered it in a competition at district level, and became champion. Not only that, the student also received his parents’ blessing to become a programmer. So now this outstanding student has been trusted to become a Web Developer at Yamaha Manufacture. “That is the source of my happiness,” concluded Dwi.  Challenges & Dedication of Programming .

Teachers Being a programming

teacher in an era of disruption is very challenging. The reason is, Indonesia currently needs 600,000 talents per year. These teaching staff are the spearhead of producing digital resources in Indonesia. One of the sources of hope is the figure of this vocational school teacher, Dwi Krisnandi. “Pak Dwi” – that’s how 180 of his students greeted him – really loves whatsapp data his profession as an educator. “Indeed, even from college, I have had a hobby of teaching my friends who are having difficulties,” said Dwi. Since 2015, as an honorary teacher, Dwi has tasted the acid and salt of the programming teaching profession. There are many challenges and also sweet fruit. What are they? Let’s take a look. Challenges of Being a Teacher Dwi teaches at SMKN 1 Tirtajaya in Karawang, West Java province. 

Initially he taught in the Computer

 and Network Engineering Skills Competency (TKJ) but since 2019 he has taught in the Software Engineering Skills Competency (RPL). Six (6) years as an educator, what has been the toughest challenge for him? “The challenge for teaching programming for us in coastal SMS List areas is weak internet access . Also digital competency for teachers . We need. With reskilling like what Dicoding often does, we become better prepared to teach. ( Dwi) Re-skilling/training for new skills in the field of programming is not a request from Mr. Dwi alone, but from programming teachers in Indonesia as a whole. The reason is, technology is moving so  but not many can study by a computer.One of the we will discuss the C programming language. Previously, have you ever learned C programming as a beginner.

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