How does a person decide to take an action on the web

If you haven’t read it yet, you should consider this little masterpiece one of the first manuals to always keep on hand because it is one of those marketing cornerstones that must be read, reread and read again!2. Neuromarketing and cognitive science to sell more on the web
neuromarketingAnother book that helped me a lot to go online was Neuromarketing and cognitive science to sell more on the web of which I read both editions.

The concept behind this book is very simple

Why does he decide to buy or not to buy?

It is no coincidence whether your How does a user buys or not but the decision-making process is based on 5 very similar emotional moments for all people.

Knowing these moments, you can be able Venezuela Phone Number List to predict them and create an even more effective path for your users, which leads them to a conversion.

So if you want to increase the number of subscribers to your newsletter or increase your online sales, whether it’s physical products, virtual products or consultancy, this is undoubtedly the book for you.

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Weapons of persuasion. How and why you end up saying yes

The weapons of persuasion Cialdini
This book is not only a must-have but it is a sort of bible for all marketers, a book that absolutely must not be missing in the library How does a of all those SMS List who have a business or who want to build one.

The weapons of persuasion is in fact a text also studied in universities and was born after years and years of neuromarketing studies and research that explain “how and why you end up saying yes”.

4. SEO Gardening Handbook
seo gardening manual.

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