How many people use social media

Let’s think of a person who wants to start working writing articles on the web . This person may not know where to start so he goes to Google and searches for example “web writer”.And so 812 million results will appear in front of him .Not 5, not 10.812 first on Google
Imagine you are that person. How many of those results will you decide to read? Maybe the first 3, maybe even go down to the tenth result. But you will hardly get to the second page .

In fact, think that almost 40% of clicks are directed

The first Google search result and that only 7.19% of users even go so far as to visit the second page of Google.

Not surprisingly, it is often said that the second page of Google is the best place to hide a dead body.

the safest place to hide a dead body is Paraguay Phone Number List on page two of google
Being first therefore allows you to be found more easily by all those looking for information on a given topic, consequently increasing your traffic and your revenue .

There are many SEO strategies that you can apply to your business. Here are some examples:

phone number list

Write articles optimized for SEO
Do thorough keyword research
Improve link building by writing guest posts
Use the best SEO tools, such as Semrush .
2. Social media marketing strategy

Another high performing marketing strategy is social media marketing

According to a 2020 estimate, approximately 4.85 billion people are on social media daily (6.5% more than last year). And if you don’t understand how many people there are… well, they are over half of all people on Earth and according to Statista, their time spent on social media is around 145 minutes a day .

And it is an estimate destined to grow in the coming years.So do you understand the huge potential of this tool?

Regardless of the niche you’ve decided to target, with such a large audience, the target is undoubtedly on social media.

This doesn’t mean simply opening a SMS List Facebook page, where, among other things, organic engagement is at an all-time low. In fact, you need a specific social media marketing strategy for each social network.

In fact , creating a simple post and sharing it on all social networks is not an effective strategy since each channel has a precise reference target.

An example? Try posting a picture of kittens on LinkedIn and you’ll see in how many seconds you’ll be able to attract the ire of users.

(No, I’m kidding, don’t try).

Want some practical examples of social media marketing done damn well.


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