Hard Drive at : Main solutions for Windows

Surely you have ever had problems with your. Windows when you see in the Task Manager that the hard drive is. Well, this has several possible causes that we will analyze in this article. And we will also explain step by step the possible solutions you have. The causes of this happening can be very diverse, from storage hardware problems, to malware, to other problems with Windows process management, etc. Therefore, let’s see how to diagnose what is happening and apply solutions in Windows (works for the most current versions of the Microsoft operating system) It is not the same that the hard drive is full in terms of capacity and that it is. You have to differentiate this. When we talk about load we mean that it appears busy with some process in the Windows Task Manager.

Hard drive solutions at load

To solve this problem, there are some solutions that you can apply to see if they solve the problem. We start with the simplest ones, and we advance to the most complex ones. Since it is likely that with the simple ones the problem will Denmark Phone Number Data be quickly and you will not have to apply other solutions so that the hard drive drops to normal load values. Restart the PC The first thing you should try to solve the hard drive loading at in Windows is to restart the system . This may resolve some issues to background processes. To do this, simply use the reset button on your PC or the Restart option in Windows’ own start menu. If once it has not taken effect, go to the next section. As you know, Windows Update is the cause of some problems. It is possible that when you see the hard drive at load it is a result of this Windows update program downloading or installing updates automatically and in the background.

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Disable notifications

Another cause of the hard drive being at load may be the Windows notification system . This system can overload your hardware when constant notifications are sent. Therefore, a simple solution to the problem is to simply disable Windows Australia Phone Number notifications. To do this, just follow these steps: Go to the Start menu Then click on the gear wheel or Settings Scroll to the System section that appears at the beginning Then look in the sidebar for the option called Notifications and actions You will then see a switch to the option Get notifications from apps and other senders. Click on it to deactivate. You will see that only the first three items have been deactivated, but you can deactivate the other three: Show me the Windows welcome experience after updates and when I log in for updates and tips: This is that blue screen that appears after Hello Windows updates, which is so annoying, so we can disable it without problems.

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