Maybe someday I’ll make a part 2 of my favorite books

There is also an Italian version, The art of SEO. From the basics to the most extreme SEO , translated and interpreted by Jacopo Matteuzzi and Flavio Mazzanti of Studio Samo . I’ve heard from some colleagues that it’s fantastic even though I’ve personally only read the English version.I recommend this book, however, if you already have an intermediate / advanced knowledge of SEO otherwise it risks being a bit complex.If, on the other hand, you already have knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and want to make a leap in quality, then you will find this manual truly enlightening.

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
If your dream is to become a copywriter, a web writer or you still want to learn the best copywriting techniques, study this book like there’s no tomorrow.

It was precisely this manual that gave me Vietnam Phone Number List the knowledge and tools that allowed me to take a big step forward in writing my texts.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey in the magical world of copywriting, whether you’re already an expert, The Adweek Copywriting Handbook will be that faithful friend you can’t do without anymore and who will reveal all the secrets of persuasive writing.

I’ll also tell you an uncomfortable secret: many Italian courses and video courses on copywriting are based on this manual

phone number list

 Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition

differentiate or die
The concept behind Differentiate or Die is very simple and also very common: you have to know how to differentiate yourself from the competition .

But if you think this is a trivial book, think again.

A piece of advice that seems trivial but which I assure you I always see too little applied in marketing, Italian and otherwise.

With the system known as The Ask Formula , this book explains how to know exactly what your customers want from you and above all how to give it to them.

The right book, therefore, if you intend to launch a new project and want to take the right steps right away.

Final thoughts
At that time? I hope you enjoyed this little trip inside my library.

Obviously this list is not complete. In SMS List fact, there are many other books that I consider absolutely impactful and indispensable for creating a successful business.

But now I want to ask you something.

I don’t like being the one to speak from a blog stage with a crowd listening in religious silence. In fact, I like being the one who sits at a round table talking and discussing my experiences with others.

Do you want to sit at this table too? Then take me inside your library.


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