Controlling the temperature of the processor is very important in our equipment. This may seem easy Tcase and Tunion thanks to the sensors implemented in current equipment that display different temperatures. In addition, cooling systems have also improved a lot in recent times. However, when we delve a little deeper into the subject of CPU temperature. We see values that may be disconcerting to many people, such as CPU Package, Tjuntion, Tj Max, etc. Well, in this tutorial we are going to see what all these parameters mean so that you can have them under control. Furthermore, if you are thinking about overclocking , it is better that you remember these parameters, since they. Will be important to take into account to avoid generating instability, choosing the appropriate cooling, or damaging your processor.
Why is it necessary to monitor CPU temperature?
Keep in mind that chips are very complex semiconductor elements, especially the CPU and GPU. And these generate high temperatures due to their operation, due to the passage of current through the semiconductor and conductive Singapore Phone Number Data materials that comprise these devices. Keep in mind that the electrons that make up the electric current impact the atoms of these materials, generating friction and heat. A high temperature can affect these chips in several ways : Through what is known as Thermal Throttling , when the mechanisms present in the CPU are activated to try to lower the temperature when it exceeds some dangerous values and does so at the cost of performance. That is, lowering the voltage and clock frequency to reduce the temperature. High temperature may also cause instability in this drive, which may cause errors to appear, the system to reboot suddenly, or blue screens (BSOD) to appear. And if the temperature is very high, it could also cause irreversible physical damage to the chip itself.
Terms related to processor temperature
Well, now that you understand the importance of maintaining controlled temperatures. The next thing is to see in each case what those terms are that many chip manufacturers use in their data Cyprus Phone Number sheets or manuals. TjMax or Tjunction Tjuntion Max The Tj Max or Tjunction Max is, as its name indicates, the maximum junction temperature. This term refers to the maximum temperature that the semiconductor chip can withstand in its matrix. Before those internal mechanisms that I talked about before to control it begin to happen. That is, throttling. This term refers to mechanisms that modern CPUs have to avoid physical damage . While older processors did not have these mechanisms and could fuse at high temperatures, this is now more difficult. On the other hand, you have to know that the junction or Tjunction temperatures are measured at the junctions of the semiconductors of the chip’s transistors. That’s where the highest temperature points are typically recorded. This is possible thanks to the integrated sensors that the cores have inside.