Can Not Tolerat Emphasiz the Ne for Modification

Feral Government. Anies Argu That This Scenario . He Also Mention That the Policy of Regulation Ne to Maintain in Indonesia as the Present Police Typically Serves the Interests of Those in Power. He Advis the Audience of Anies Browse Through to His Home When Anies Reveal His Intention to Compete Guv of Jakarta. Prabowo Recall That Back Then They Were Political Opponents However Anies Eventually Won the Election. In Summary Dur the Argument Prabowo Subianto Slamm Anies Baswan for What He Saw as an Excessive Position on Democracy. Prabowo Highlight the Significance of an Operat Democracy and Suggest That Anies Grievances Regard the State of Democracy Were Unjustifi. He Likewise Advis the Audience of Their.

Political Background Consist of Anies

Visit to His Home When He Compet Guv of Jakarta and End His Remarks With a Playful Danc. Presidential Prospect Numr Prabowo Subianto Shar His Sight That Anies Baswans Statements on Freom Were Too Much Throughout the Presidential Dispute. Prabowo Criticiz Anies for Appear to Complain Concern the State of Freom in the Indonesia Telegram Number Data Country. Throughout the Presidential Dispute Held on Tuesday Decemr Governmental Candidate Prabowo Subianto Discuss the Intricate Problem of Tak C of Problems in Papua. Prabowo Acknowlg That Deal With Papua is a Difficult Matter With Foreign Disturbance and Highlight the Importance of Civils Rights Ham as the Main Concern Focus on the Protection of Individuals. Accord to Ganjar Pranowo the Solutions Recommend by Prabowo.

Not Adequate. Ganjar Reveal His

Telegram Number Data

Perspective That Discussion is Vital to Combine All Stakeholders to Resolve the Issue Effectively. Ganjars Declaration Throughout the Argument Was as Complies With in My Opinion Mr. Prabowo It Does Not Seem to Sufficient. Dialogue is Someth Important to Ensure That All Parties Can Sit Together as It is the Origin of the Problem. Do You Belize Phone Number List Concur With the Discussion Version I Am Recommend Along With His Response Dur the Argument. Ganjar Pranowo Additionally Shar His Experiences From His Campaign Route With His Runn Companion Mahfud Md. They Start a Journey From the Easternmost Factor in Sabang to Merauke in the West Aim to Listen to and Observe the Hopes and Nes of Individuals. Ganjar Express His Commitment to Boost All Public Facilities From Health.

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