Planning to say bye bye to a new job

A  after getting your New Year bonus? Learn these 5 tips first, so that the new company will call you to say goodbye the next day!
post by Dylan
by Dylan

Jan 17, 2019 Posted at 8:37 AM
As the year draws to a close, many workers are planning to change jobs after receiving their bonuses. But before making a formal decision, you must make sure that you can be successfully accepted by the next company to avoid the dilemma of being caught between two options.

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When answering this question, you can focus on your Bahamas Phone Number List weakness, such as your fear of public speaking. Then you should start to explain how you will try to overcome this weakness. You can even end it by saying “I still don’t like it, but at least I can do it now.”

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You have been out of work for a while, can you explain why?

Maybe you were fired from your last job, Benin Phone Number List or maybe you just want to take a break, take care of your family, etc. If you were fired, keep your answer brief and emphasize how you have adjusted and are ready to return to the workplace. Whatever the reason, it is important to mention what you gained during your short period of unemployment.




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