What processor to buy? The best options by price range

What processor should we buy? Choosing a good processor is one of the most important tasks best options. By when assembling our own computer in parts, although it is equally or even more important to pay attention to its compatibility, for example. Likewise, it is essential to compare very different models to know which is the best processor for us according to its price range. Ultimately, the budget that each person manages when designing their own PC can differ greatly from that of other users . That is why today, at GuíaHardware, we have prepared a guide by price range. That said, in some ranges we have put slightly more expensive suggestions if there is an active sale, but never if the price is originally much higher . Because? Since, for example, right now it is possible to find a Ryzen for less than euros, but its original cost is € As we want this guide to serve you almost always, we have preferred to issue more notable discounts so that it does not become outdated at the first opportunity.

Which processor to buy based on its price: AMD vs. Intel

Broadly speaking, the market is divided between two competitors: AMD and Intel . Each has its pros and cons, although currently they have become much more even. In the past, Intel was the clear dominator of the market. Both due to the Canada Phone Number Data quality of its products and their price. Nowadays this has come to an end, since AMD has been able not only to catch up, but to adjust its prices as much or more . Therefore, the first thing you have to get out of your head is that “Intel is always better than AMD” stigma that has been established in many communities. This idea is wrong, since both companies are capable of offering great products. Now, it is always appropriate to take a look at the generation, family, series or number of cores. Because? Well, because there are generations and series in which one company or another can come out ahead . Let’s compare each and every one of them? The answer is no. Due to the exaggerated amount of options we have in the market today, we are going to highlight two or three different processors.

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Aspects that we must take into account: compatibility

Another aspect that we must take into account is, of course, compatibility. To give you a quick example, the AMD Ryzen are only compatible with. DDR RAM because the socket of their processor is an AM Or what is the same: DDR RAM does Algeria Phone Number not work with the Ryzen because the socket is not compatible with them. That is why it is always better that you consult all the data in this regard. And what would be the best RAM for the Ryzen , for example? That’s a different matter, but it serves as an example so that. You can see that choosing a processor goes beyond choosing the most powerful or the most expensive. In that same sense , the th, th and th generation Intel Core are compatible with both DDR and DDR. Which opens the range of possibilities. This is one of the points that we must value when choosing one processor or another, and it is for this reason that at the beginning we talked to you about the importance of generation. There are also other values ​​that we must consider when.

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