TeraFLOPS vs Terabyte: Main differences

To understand what TeraFLOPS and TeraBytes are and, especially, to know the difference between the two. The first thing vs Main differences is to know the FLOPS and Bytes units, in addition to the multiples. Only in this way will you be able to fully understand the differences between two. Very different units that are for totally different things. FLOPS (Floating Operation Per Second) , or floating point operations per second, are a measure of processing. A FLOP is a mathematical operation perform by the CPU or GPU, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. And is to measure the and power of a computer system. FLOPS performance measures a system’s ability to handle intensive tasks such as video rendering, audio encoding, and D modeling. What is a floating point operation? A floating point operation is any operation that involves a number with decimals. The most common floating point operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

How to calculate FLOPS

The at which a computer performs calculations is measur in FLOPS (floating point operations per second). FLOPS can be calculat by finding the number of mathematical operations that can be perform per second. This number Netherlands Phone Number Data can be calculat by multiplying the number of computing units (or the number of operations each of them can take) by the clock of the processor. For example , if we have a processor working at Ghz and it has cores, and assuming that each core has an FPU that can perform only one floating point operation at a time, and also assuming that it performs one operation per clock cycle, then it could be calculat like this.

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What are Bytes?

As you know, bit is the basic unit of information in the binary system . A bit can be a or a However, if bits are group together we have an octet. Which is commonly known as a Byte. Therefore, we can consider the byte as another unit of information Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number that is in a multitude of systems, from the of a bus in baud, to the capacity of a memory unit, through network, etc. Ultimately, bytes are the basic components of data storage and communication . Data storage and communication occurs when bytes are and transferr between devices. For example, as storage we could understand when some information is on the hard drive, or on a pendrive, or upload to the cloud, etc. While as transfer we understand when information travels over copper or fiber optic telephone lines (Internet), or when one unit transfers data to another, or when a bus is transferring. This information or data can be of various natures, such as images, videos, software, etc.

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