That Requires a Lot of Faith

Final solutions” to face problems deriv from the scarcity generat by climate change . Human history, and specifically the totalitarianisms of the 20th century, with its aftermath of plann exterminations, offer chilling testimony about the brutality with which human beings often face situations that they consider threatening. Harald welzer, german psychologist and sociologist, author of the climate wars. At the center of this research, welzer places criticism of the role play in the last 250 years by highly industrializ countries, suppos guarantors of democracy and freom, but which have a past of destruction, genocide and plunder.

Lose the Meaning of

They are the heirs of Modernity and its sad paradox: the frenetic search for progress and prosperity undertaken by enlighten thought has produc evils that are at the other extreme: exclusion, social asymmetry in the possibilities of development, global injustice and extreme poverty. Following the route open by thinkers such as Zigmunt Bauman and Günther Anders, Welzer proposes what to some will seem an enormity: the social and technological catastrophes that occurr in the 20th century (and those that will continue business email list to occur in our century), let’s say, the emergence of totalitarianism, ethnic cleansing, wars of aggression, nuclear and ecological disasters and disasters of all kinds produc by the excessive desire for resources in search of growth and progress, far from constituting events unrelat to the modernization processes, are confirmation of its dark logic of development.

Life and End Up in

 In short: Modernity bears the sign of that barbarism that his speech proudly proclaim to have left behind . The case of Easter Island, almost lost in the Pacific, at a distance of 3,500 kilometers from South America, is present in the book as an example of what it means to be on the verge of a catastrophe against which there is no protection. the appropriate frame of reference to understand its tremendous nature. The Polynesians arriv there around the 9th century AD. C. Even when the climatic SMS List conditions were not the best, they had sufficient resources to live comfortably: there were various species of palm trees; land animals, birds and dolphins satisfi their food nes.

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