Then today is your lucky day Do you know why

One of the questions I get most often on my blog is:Ele, but if I have a blog do I have to open a VAT number? When? With which ATECO code? And how much do I have to pay in contributions?And since I’m not a tax expert but I also didn’t want to leave all these questions unanswered, I contacted Matteo Camurri, Chartered Accountant and expert in business creation .His mission? Help new entrepreneurs to start their business easily and safely , without making mistakes and without being crushed by bureaucracy, taxes and contributions

Who better than him to explain

Today, therefore, I leave the floor to him!

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Because in this guide I will explain everything that is important to know to open the VAT number without making mistakes and without being crushed by taxes and contributions .

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In addition, I will answer the most popular questions on the subject of “bloggers and VAT numbers”.

In particular, I will reveal to you

when it is mandatory to open the VAT number and when it is not
what is the best ATECO code to choose
what is the perfect tax regime for your specific situation
how to save thousands of euros in INPS contributions
… and so on!
But let’s not get lost in further chatter and let’s get right into the heart of the matter.

VAT number for bloggers: when is it necessary to open it?
VAT number for bloggers when it is necessary to open it
Many bloggers ask me if they have to immediately open the VAT number.

The answer is clearly NO .

If you have created a blog but you don’t SMS List sell anything, either directly or indirectly, then it is to all intents and purposes a hobby and therefore there is no need to open a VAT number.

If, on the other hand, you start monetizing your blog by selling consultancy, infoproducts or through affiliate links, such as Amazon affiliate links , then yes, the VAT number becomes mandatory .


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