There are several traffic channels

organic , i.e. traffic from Google
paid , i.e. what comes from advertising
social , the one coming from social media like Facebook, Instagram etc.
email , the traffic that comes from your email marketing campaigns
referral , when traffic comes from another website
direct , i.e. when your address is typed directly into the address bar of the browser.
Apart from direct traffic over which you have no power, all other channels can be used to drive traffic to our blog . The problem is that most bloggers don’t take advantage of all this potential of the web. If you want to grow your blog, however, it is important to know how to intercept and convey the traffic of all these channels.

How to do? Very simple

organic traffic : optimize your website and your content from an SEO perspective
Paid traffic : learn how to create sponsorships, for example on Facebook or Google
social : create social channels Albania WhatsApp Number List and publish your content (I said publish, don’t spam!)
email : create your contact list There are several and notify your readers of new articles published
referrals : create partnerships and a guest posting strategy .
14. Treat your blog as a hobby (and not as a business)
If you have decided to start a blog to build a business, then you need to treat your blog as a business from day zero.

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Think, for example, of opening a bar and treating it as a hobby, going to work in your free time, not investing in raw materials and marketing. How long will that company last?

And why should a blog be any different

Now you’re probably thinking: yes, but a blog doesn’t bring immediate results and I still have to work! I can’t dedicate myself to my blog 10 hours a day!

And you are absolutely right .

But treating a blog like a business doesn’t mean working on it 10 hours a day, or at least, not at first. It means changing your mindset , committing yourself seriously, working on it with dedication, testing, analyzing the results and optimizing.

Even 30 minutes a day, but every SMS List day. Then, when the results start to arrive, you can decide whether to spend even more time and effort on your blog .Treat your job like a business and it will turn into a company.

15. Not engaging with your audience
interact with your audience
Among the blogging mistakes There are several I see most frequently, this is the one that irritates me the most: when bloggers don’t engage with their audience.


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