These are books that have allowed me to acquire

Ok, I confess: I don’t know if these are really the best digital marketing books on the market. Also because, although she is a compulsive reader, I certainly don’t claim to have read them all.So how did this list come about? Very simple: from my experience .It’s the same list I would give to a friend who wants to open an online business and who would ask me: “Hey Ele, can you recommend me some books to read before starting my business?”.These 15 books are in fact the books on online marketing that have had the greatest impact on my career as a solopreneur in the magical digital world.

The necessary skills to create a successful blog

create and sell online courses and establish a relationship of deep mutual esteem with my readers.

If you also have a blog or an online business , here is my very personal list of books on digital marketing that I highly recommend you read.

And since it is not a bestseller list but Tunisia Phone Number List a personal list and also since I constantly read so many books, I will constantly update this list whenever I find a book even more impactful than these.

What do you say, shall we start? So what are we waiting for! Let’s go

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Immutable marketing laws

One of the best known classics of online marketing is undoubtedly The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing , a timeless book that in its simplicity manages to contain all the fundamental principles of marketing in a concise but in-depth way.

To arrive at these 22 laws, the authors SMS List studied what lies behind the success – but also behind the failures – of large companies such as Mc Donald’s, Apple, Sony and many others.

And they have found that some principles are recurring . Learning them and putting them into practice, therefore, guarantees us one step closer to our success.


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