These are quite useless metrics for achieving real results

I’ll give you another example. A few months ago, I noticed a nearly 30% drop in blog revenue. After careful analysis, I realized that this drop was due to a decrease in newsletter subscribers (guess what?) of about 30%.That’s when I put in a little popup inviting you to subscribe to my mailing list . It’s a small box that opens when a person visiting my blog is about to close the page.Through that box I was able to increase subscribers again, consequently also increasing my income.

Try leaving the page and say hello to the cat who invites you to stay! And if you also want to create a popup like mine, you can do it in a few clicks, for example through Elementor .

A: R elevant – relevant

We now come to the R of our SMART goals

But what does relevant objective mean ? It means a lot simply choosing goals that make sense for you and your blog.

And pay close attention to this concept. I repeat it to you once again. Don’t choose goals based on what does or works for others but only those that make sense to you and your blog.

Too often we focus on what others are El-Salvador Phone Number List doing or even on the so-called vanity metrics or vanity metrics .  but which often inflate pride.

An example? Increase Instagram followers or Facebook likes.

phone number list

But look closely: I don’t mean that increasing your audience on social networks is a completely meaningless strategy. I’m just saying that the followers metric doesn’t make sense if it’s an end in itself while it can be useful in a wider marketing strategy .

Therefore, focus on the relevant objectives, those useful for achieving the results you have set for yourself.

T: T ime-bound – limited in time

time-limited blog goals
So we come to the last feature of SMART goals: time .

In fact, imagine this situation: you have created specific, measurable, achievable and relevant goals but without an expiration date. Here these objectives become completely useless.

Therefore, give yourself deadlines not only in SMS List the long term but above all in the short term, in an effective and intelligent way.

Having the goal of “Increasing traffic up to 10,000 unique monthly visitors within 6 months” loses its effectiveness if in those six months you do not take care, for example, of developing keyword research, writing new articles, promoting them and optimizing your work to increase traffic to your blog.


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