They are extremely simple techniques to implement

In fact, think that an article in the first position of Google acquires 33% of the total traffic , the second position 17% while the third position 11%. All remaining 40% is split across all other positions.This makes you understand that being able to position an article in the first 3 positions of Google is a fundamental step in being able to get more traffic. And how do you position an article so high in the SERP?

That’s right: thanks to some SEO techniques

SEO is divided into several subcategories, such as on page SEO, off page SEO, technical SEO or local SEO .

All are very important but if you are not an expert in search engine positioning, then I advise you to focus on two types of SEO in the meantime: on page and off page .

And which will give you almost Czech Republic Phone Number List immediate results.

For on page SEO (also called SEO on site) we mean all those optimization techniques that are done directly on your blog and of which you have direct control, such as:

The titles
URLs and meta tags
Alt Texts
Internal links
Blog content
The Core Web Vitals
… and so on.
For off page SEO (or off site SEO) instead it deals with all the optimization elements external to our website and of which we often do not have control, such as for example the backlinks obtained from other blogs, the shares on social networks or the mentions that we can get on the net.

Both of these aspects are extremely important to grow our blog and increase our traffic .

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So let’s go even further into detail

9 effective strategies to increase traffic to your blog
strategies to increase blog traffic
I know, up to now we have made a long SMS List introduction but it was really important to know these concepts.

Now, however, we can finally stop and answer this question. What are the most effective SEO strategies to increase blog traffic?

So let’s move on to the practical part and see it together.


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