Through keyword research you can for example

Let’s say I decide to write an article about why leaves fall from trees in the fall (first stupid example I can think of If no one googles “Why do leaves fall off trees in the fall?” how do you think people will find my article?Yes, I know, there are other ways to promote your items as well and we’ll talk more about them in a moment. What I mean though is that getting fresh traffic from Google all the time is not a good strategy – it’s a great strategy!

keyword search volume

That’s why keyword research is done : to understand which terms are searched on Google and then optimize our articles accordingly, in order to intercept traffic.

Find the best long tail keywords , i.e. long tail keywords . An example of a long tail is precisely “why do leaves fall from trees in autumn”: a small phrase that people search on Google.

And keyword research is not Malta Phone Number List only great for finding new ideas for your blog posts but also for spying on your competitors and stealing their traffic .

You can do all this using Semrush , a tool that you can use completely free of charge . In fact, you just need to create an account and you’re done.

Don’t let the 7-day free trial message scare you: it’s a trial that you can activate to take advantage of many other features of this tool.

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If you want, skip the test. This will not prevent you from using Semrush completely free for as long as you want, even if the searches you can do will be more limited. If you want to unlock more searches, then go ahead with the 7-day free trial .

Write poorly edited articles

Another mistake I often see on blogs is to prefer quantity to the detriment of quality .

It is true that increasing the frequency of publication could lead to an increase in traffic. But it is also true that in the long run the quality of the articles seems to be rewarded more than the quantity of articles written.

My advice is therefore always the same: write articles of the highest quality . Articles that people really enjoy reading.

Memorable Items .

placement number of words
Here are some tips for writing SMS List well-curated articles:

Watch your grammar . An article with grammatical errors often distrusts the reader
Always write articles of the right length
Don’t work hard, work smart! There are tools that allow you to write great articles in half the time, such as Jasper . Use them to your advantage
Make reading less difficult by using simple words and wrapping often
Don’t copy . People notice this and will unfollow you, but Google could also penalize you by making you disappear from search results.
“People want to learn how to do things in actuality, not just theoretically. When you’re done with a blog, ask yourself, ‘Will the reader know how to implement this idea?’ or ‘Did I provide steps to achieve success.


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