I want to give you one last valuable piece of advice. , always start from the final goal and ask yourself 3 times “how can I do it?”. Let’s take an example. Let’s imagine for a moment that your ultimate goal is to sell a book you’ve written. How can I sell it? Making your book known to more people
How can I introduce the book to more people? Increasing traffic to my site
How do I increase traffic to my site? Writing articles on topics related to the book
Here is a first goal that we can achieve. We just have to turn it into a SMART goal.

Another example

How can I sell my book? Making your book known to more people
How can I make the book known Ecuador Phone Number List to more people? Giving away an extract
How can I give an extract? Sending it to my newsletter subscribers.
Et voilà, the second goal (not yet SMART) is served.

Well, that’s really all now. I hope this article has been really useful for you to define your blog goals and achieve them.

phone number list

Remember that sometimes it takes

Months to see significant results with blogging. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t immediately have the success you’re looking for.

Simplify and optimize all your work by setting goals that help you clarify the whole process, so you can always focus on the important things, putting everything you don’t need into the background.

3) Prioritize your goals , focusing on the SMS List most important and most urgent things. Help yourself with a SWOT analysis template.

SWOT analysis
4) Define macro objectives and then divide them into many small six-monthly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily steps (you can already find the scheme for doing this on the Blog Planner ).

Final thoughts
If you have a blog, or even if you’re just thinking about starting one, then setting goals really is one of the very first things you should do.

It’s not easy at first , I’m aware of it. And the difficulty often lies not – as one might think – in achieving one’s goals but in defining them.

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