This below is the Analytics screen of one of my customers

A TIP: Keep this article open, open your blog in a new window and optimize all these points step by step.1. Use a performing hosting
performing hosting
Hosting is the physical server on which your website is hosted.Use underperforming hosting – or even worse, free!  it’s the best way to destroy all the work you’re doing with your blog.The reason is simple. Think of your website as a house, with many rooms (the pages), paintings (the images) and furnishing elements (the texts).

Now think of hosting as the land your

House is built on. You can therefore have the most beautiful villa in the world but if you build it on unstable or swampy ground, just a little extra traffic or a wrong setting will make everything collapse inexorably .

Another reason why you should always Finland Phone Number List take the choice of a performing hosting to heart is the speed of the site .

And I’m not saying it, but Google itself : a fast site helps the positioning of your blog . And guess what? Among the many aspects that affect the speed of the site, one of the main ones is hosting.

page speed insights
There are numerous extremely good and performing hosting .

My favourite, the one I use for all my projects, is SiteGround (which is completely in Italian) but there are also other more than interesting solutions, such as:

phone number list

Do effective keyword research

Do keyword research
When we lend ourselves to filling our blog with new content, we often rack our brains to find new ideas for articles and start writing “feeling” , based on the topics we want to discuss or that we believe (and I emphasize that “we believe” ) may also be of interest to our audience.

Updating old articles is therefore a great way to give new impetus to content that is no longer well positioned . Just think that 34% of bloggers say that updating old content leads to an improvement in their SERP positioning.

And updating a piece of content also needs SMS List less effort than writing it from scratch.

She had been managing the blog internally for about a year but the traffic was struggling to take off.

He contacted me in June and I did a simple review and optimization of the already existing articles .

Here are the results:

optimize old blog articles
But how to update the old content?

Here are some things you could fix:


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