When we launch a new project we expect to get gradual

The reason is simple: when we work from home, we don’t really have a clear and defined line between private life and working life .

Partly because our work and our hobby often coincide, so once the commissioned works are finished, maybe we start working on our personal projects. And in this way we do effectively the same thing for hours on end, even if not different goals.

Partly because if we are physically at home, we no longer distinguish one moment from another.

And in the long run, a mechanism of dependence on work (the so-called workaholism ) can also be triggered .

Can I give you an example

Right now I’m on the kitchen table writing this article (working life). The same kitchen table where I had lunch an hour ago (private life) and Switzerland Phone Number List where I will probably help my children with their homework in a couple of hours (private life).

My work therefore fits between two moments of private life. Where does one end and the other begin?

It is therefore important to be able to give ourselves discipline from the very beginning, also to stop working , spend more time outdoors, with our friends and family, or develop other hobbies, different from our job.

phone number list

Don’t get discouraged by failures

I’ll tell you a secret. Come closer. A little bit’. I really have to whisper.


If everything is falling apart, you’re probably on your way to success.

No, I swear, I haven’t decided to become the next fuffaguru of stolen phrases from Baci Perugina or the new Tony Robbins of the poor.

But there really is some truth to what I just said.

The truth is that the road to success is Sms List never linear . Many expect it to look like the left-hand graph, but it actually looks much more like the right-hand graph:

Success curve
but constant results. We begin to make proportions of the type:

If I wrote 10 articles and I have 1,000 visitors per month, then if I write 20 articles I will have 2,000 visitors per month
If with 1,000 visitors to the blog I get 100 subscribers to the mailing list, with 2,000 visitors I get 200 subscribers.

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