Although you have created many websites

Hello Theme , the Elementor theme (which you can download for free from here )
Ocean WP. Once you have chosen the theme to use, to install it just go to your WordPress dashboard and in the left menu select Appearance > Themes > Add New and upload the .zip file of the theme you downloaded. Is it possible to have Elementor in Italian?
Absolutely yes.

As you can also see from the screen below

elementer in Italian
How much is Elementor
Elementor currently has 5 payment plans :

Essential ($49, about €40) perfect Kenya Phone Number List for getting started and for those who want to use the plugin on just one website
Advanced (99$) per 3 siti web
Expert (199$) per 25 siti web
Study ($499) for 100 websites
Agency (999$) per 1.000 siti web.
elementor flat prices
If you have an agency and work with a lot of sites , obviously the Expert, Studio and Agency plans are right for you. But if you only have one website , then go free with the Essential plan, the cheapest one.

If you want to know all the differences between the various plans, you can find them here .

phone number list

Why choose Elementor

cosè elementor
We have seen what Elementor is and all its features. But why did I choose Elementor to create all my online projects?

Mainly because of its simplicity .

I’ll be honest : I love writing, I like creating articles and guides like this one you’re reading and constantly optimizing them so that they position themselves in the first search results. I deeply love this part of my job.

But I’m not a developer nor a web SMS List designer . , this is not my specialty.

So I need something that allows me to quickly and easily create a highly customized and optimized website, which has all the functions I need for a given project, something you can’t get with a template purchased for example on ThemeForest , where customization is more limited.

So, if you want a customized site in every detail but you are still a beginner and you don’t know anything about HTML, CSS and so on, then Elementor is undoubtedly the best choice you can make.


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