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There are many positive aspects to improving load speed, including the fact that every second of user experience(loading can mean a loss of sales) or positioning (a slow-punishing website). Importantly, you also know that the speed of becoming addicted to the web is not good. Some people spend all night struggling to figure out how to catch a thousandth of a second during a website loading process in order to score points on (measuring tools).

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 Others bragged on the internet about their website score (on mobile and desktop), and that latest database their website was a blank page with black text on top, bland, and like a sawdust sandwich. Now let’s see what you really should be thinking about. The stages of designing a website Catalog Index How slow loading affects a website The factors that most affect the speed of a website The factors that increase the speed of loading a website are:

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A tool to measure website speed Page Speed Insight Plugin to help you optimize website loading speed Improve website loading speed One suggestion to choose a good hosting provider Use a concise and clean theme #. Do not abuse the plugin SMS List and check its quality #. Install the cache plugin in #. Optimize and compress images on web pages #. Cleaning up spam and databases Use conclusions The effect of slow loading on websites In the introduction,

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