Here are some tips to optimize your articles 

Think that the first organic result on the first page of Google receives about 32.5% of the overall search traffic, the second result gets 17.6% while the seventh receives only 3.5%.The second page of Here are some Google starts from the eleventh result. Think about what that means in terms of traffic. That’s right: basically nothing .the safest place to hide a dead body is on page two of google
But how can we position our content at the top? The first step (but not the only one) is optimizing our articles for SEO .

Write an effective and SEO friendly title

understand the search intent behind the query being searched
split the text into paragraphs (H2, H3…)
use the keyword , its synonyms and terms belonging to the same semantic field within the text
Link to other in-depth articles Namibia Phone Number List and sources , both from your own blog and from other blogs
help yourself with SEO plugins , such as RankMath . Don’t aim for all the dots to turn green but keep the plugin recommendations as a checklist of things to remember
rank math
optimize images by reducing Here are some their weight (the ideal is >50KB)
optimize metadata , i.e. what Google reads (you can always do it with RankMath): title, description and URL
Metadata rank math
10. Writing articles that are of no interest to your niche
A few days ago a girl wrote to me who is trying to develop a cooking blog . Among the many recipes she’d written, she’d included gardening articles, house cleaning methods, and fashion articles.

phone number list

I repeat: not on a lifestyle blog. On a cooking blog

And he wrote to me precisely because his blog couldn’t grow. The reason is very simple: neither her readers nor Google could understand what the blog was about .

And the blog didn’t rank.

To understand if the articles you are writing are interesting for your audience, there is an important metric that you must always keep in mind: the dwell time , i.e. how long people stay to read your article.

You can check it both through Google SMS List Analytics (by going to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages ) and through Here are some the new Google tool called Search Console Insight which, among other things, shows you which articles have attracted the most interest in the last month .

By analyzing this data and continuing to experiment, it will become easier and easier to learn what your audience loves to read and which format works well in your niche.


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